
Plaats/Adres Glarus Süd
Land Zwitserland
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Lengte/tijdsduur 0 uur/14km
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A demanding route and a well-maintained road – the Klausen Pass is probably one of the best High Alpine Roads in terms of driving pleasure. Between 1922 and 1934, a mountain race for cars and motorbikes was even held on the Klausen Pass. Top speeds of over 124mph were perfectly normal during Europe's toughest mountain races, which took place on an over 12-mile circuit on the northern climb of the pass in front of tens of thousands of spectators. Rudolf Caracciola set the race record in 1934 in a Mercedes-Benz W25 – his average speed was 52mph. For connoisseurs of today's race, however, it should be noted that back then, the Klausen Pass race was held on a much narrower and almost entirely gravel road. Between 1993 and 2006, Oldtimer races were held at the Klausen Pass in memory of its use as a classic mountain race track. The 1,948-meter high pass connects the Cantons of Uri and Glarus between Altdorf and Linthal. The pass is closed from November to May, due to the risk of avalanche.

Original URL: https://roads.porsche.com/content/en/routes/klausenpass

Aangemaakt 11 mei 2023 17:59 door Jeroen Bregman